22.17 – Sarah Sligh

(2022) Episode 17 – For Sarah Sligh, serving food is a love language, and she’s discovered that helping others is one of the most satisfying things she can do with her time. So, it’s really no wonder that after moving to North Carolina with her husband in the “second act of her life,” as she puts it, she found a way to combine the two! Sarah is a graduate of the culinary program at CCCC and has married her love of no-waste creative cooking with her passion for helping others in an endeavor called “friendship kitchen.” She and several other women meet every other week at a local ruritan club kitchen to prepare dozens of meals for shelters in their community. As she says, everyone can use a hot meal – with something sweet for dessert!

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Kelly Dougherty
WLHC-FM Life 103.1
Phone: (919) 775-1031
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